What to Look for When Purchasing a Non-Toxic Mattress for your Kids

It’s always bittersweet when it’s time to move your little one from their crib to their toddler bed. Before the arrival of our third baby, we wanted to have our two year old setup in his big boy bed to match his brothers. We have always sourced non-toxic, organic crib mattresses but hadn’t fully explored what was available for our kids twin and full mattress setups.

When we first started searching for his mattress, we wanted to ensure that it was Greenguard GOLD certified, GOTS-certified organic as a finished product and made in the USA! Savvy Rest was the first one that stood out to us. The sturdy organic cotton casing has organic wool batting quilted inside, which was a huge plus for us! The organic wool fill promotes a cooler, drier environment and more comfortable sleep. We wanted to ensure that the mattress was mostly comproised of natural fibers, especially since our little ones spend several hours a day sleeping. You can save on your purchase at Savvy Rest by using code WILDANDWELL here!

Here’s a little more about the natural fibers included:

  • Certified Organic Wool: You’ll never find chemical flame retardants in their organic mattresses. Instead, they use GOTS-certified organic wool batting as a natural flame barrier. Wool also regulates temperature by promoting airflow!

  • Certified Organic Cotton: They stay away from cotton treated with pesticides since this is harmful to our bodies and the planet. The mattress casings are made of unbleached, GOTS-certified organic cotton. When you see that GOTS logo, it means that material or overall product has met the most rigorous organic standard worldwide.

  • Natural Latex: True natural latex, without synthetic latex or fillers blended in, is simply natural foam rubber. They offer two different types of natural latex: Dunlop and Talalay. Dunlop is denser and more supportive. Talalay offers softness and gentle pressure-relief. Their natural Dunlop latex is certified organic in two ways. The rubber tree plantations are certified organic according to USDA standards, and its processing is certified organic to the Global Organic Latex Standard (GOLS).

Each time we substitute an everyday product for a nontoxic product that’s safer, we reduce our kids overall exposure to toxic chemicals. Here’s a little bit more about why opting for a non-toxic setup is important:


My quick list of chemicals to always avoid when building your non-toxic kids room…

  • Synthetic Flame Retardants: Yes, these are chemicals, and they can be found in mattresses, car seats, strollers, and even on children’s clothes. Many flame retardants have been linked to serious health problems such as infertility, hormonal problems, reduced IQ, developmental issues, and behavioral problems.

  • Plastics: We have been working to avoid all plastics in our home, including polyvinyl chloride (PVC), phthalates, cadmium, lead, bisphenol A (BPA), and polypropylene. Most plastic toys are made from these chemicals, so we prefer toys made of wood or other natural materials. Plastic is tough to avoid, so we opt for PVC free and BPA free at a minimum. And we consider how the item is going to be used. If it’s going to end up in our child’s mouth, we try to source as naturally as possible.

  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): These are compounds that easily turn into vapors and pollute the air we breathe. And lots of VOCs are present in the products commonly used in our homes. Examples include paint, furniture, carpeting, rugs, toys, and more.

  • Forever Chemicals (PFAS): These are chemical compounds that don’t easily break down. They’re used to strengthen or preserve a product (the best example is teflon). But you can find them in children’s clothes, stain-resistant furniture, carpets, and even skincare products.


Here are the materials we buy instead of plastics, chemicals, and VOCs.

  • Organic Materials: Choosing organic isn’t always possible, but it’s something we strive for. This is especially important when sourcing clothing and blankets. For example, cotton growers often use hazardous pesticides (more chemical pesticides are used on cotton than any other crop). These pesticides can prevent individual nerve cells from communicating with one another — which can interfere with every function in the human body. A simple swap to organic cotton can give our kids a healthy and much less toxic environment where they can thrive.

  • Solid Woods: You may not be able to find or afford a product that has all the certifications to make it nontoxic. But if it’s made out of 100% beechwood (for example), that’s significantly better and naturally less toxic.

  • Natural Fibers: Up to 8,000 chemicals can be used in the production and processing of textiles (for dyeing, treating, printing, and finishing). We love fabrics that breathe, like cotton and linen.


When building your nontoxic baby registry list, you may notice products that have certifications. Here are my favorites and what they mean:

  • Greenguard Gold Certification: This certification means that products have been rigorously tested and scientifically proven to have low levels of chemical emissions (or VOCs). This is especially important when sourcing furniture for your nursery.

  • GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) Certified Organic Cotton and Wool: Using third-party certifications, GOTS sets a high standard for the processing of organic fibers. To be certified, a product must meet ecological and social criteria for their entire textile supply chain. You can read more about this certification here.

  • Standard 100 by OEKO-TEX: This certification is great when sourcing clothing, burp cloths, blankets, and towels. It specifically tests for harmful substances (like chemicals and hormone disruptors) in textiles, using standardized global criteria.

Here’s a look at some of our photos for the nursery to bedroom changeup and you can save on your purchase at Savvy Rest by using code WILDANDWELL here!


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