Is Bread Bad for You? The Root Cause of Gluten-Powered Inflammation
About one third of Americans reduce gluten in their diet. This is because they’ve heard about the damaging impact of bread on the gut or they experience bloating and discomfort on a regular basis. But bread is an ancestral food that’s been enjoyed in primal societies for generations. How did it go from a primary fuel source to a major trigger for inflammation?
The Benefits of Bone Broth: Why This Superfood Is More Than Just a Trend + How to Drink More
In the cold months, it’s easy to reach for an extra cup of coffee or hot chocolate to get you through a chilly afternoon at work. But what if your drink of choice could actively reduce inflammation, clear your skin, and help you meet your protein goals?
I’m talking about bone broth. The viral drink that’s got everyone (even the celebrities) talking about its benefits. As a holistic nutritionist, I can confirm that bone broth deserves its superfood reputation.
But you shouldn’t drink it just because you’ve heard it’s good for you. You should drink it with intention and, preferably, with delicious recipes.
Your Elderberry Syrup Guide: The Ultimate Whole Food Immune Booster
Elderberry syrup is my go-to natural replacement for synthetic vitamin C supplements, cough syrup, and other common cold medications. We even find that it works better for our family than most over-the-counter remedies. Plus, it’s completely natural.
Since cold and flu season is on the way, I’m sharing everything I know about the benefits of elderberry syrup and how to make it at home.
Your Complete Guide to Seed Oils: How to Recognize and Avoid the “Bad” Ones
There are several misconceptions about seed oils. Some holistic nutritionists recommend avoiding them at all costs. At the same time, mainstream media and other medical professionals don’t see anything wrong with seed oil consumption.
But if there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s this: if you pick up a cereal box or snack food from your local grocery store, it almost always contains seed oil. Canola, vegetable, and safflower oils are common ingredients in packaged foods. So it’s essential for us to understand how they impact our cells.
The Best Pregnancy Nutrition Calculator + How to Use It
As a pregnancy nutritionist, it’s my job to work with women like you to support a healthy and empowered pregnancy. We’ll use whole foods, lifestyle changes, and hormone-balancing techniques to help you show up as the best version of yourself.
(Yes, even during pregnancy.)
There are many different tools I use to empower women to advocate for themselves and embrace a nutrient-rich pregnancy diet plan. One of my favorites is a pregnancy nutrition calculator.
Gestational Diabetes Eating Plan from a Pregnancy Nutritionist
Yes, you can still have a healthy baby if you have gestational diabetes.
Gestational diabetes is an extremely common pregnancy complication.
It occurs when the body struggles to metabolize insulin, leading to high blood sugar.
But the most important thing to remember about gestational diabetes is it’s easy to manage.
The Best Diet for Pregnant Women — From a Pregnancy Nutritionist
The moment you saw your positive pregnancy test, you knew your life would change.
Pregnancy comes with many diet and lifestyle shifts — all intended to protect and support your growing baby.
But when it comes to following a pregnancy diet, the guidelines are limited.
This article contains all the education you wish you had on the pregnancy diet — from the perspective of a pregnancy nutritionist.
Vitamin A for Pregnancy and How to Supplement with Cod Liver Oil
When you think about pregnancy health, vitamin A probably isn’t the first nutrient that comes to mind.
This is because severe vitamin A deficiency isn’t common in the Western world. Most of us are getting enough vitamin A for basic organ function and eye health.
But this doesn’t mean we should leave vitamin A out of the pregnancy conversation altogether.
Understanding the Root Cause of Postpartum Fatigue + How to Address It with Nutrition
I know postpartum fatigue is debilitating and isolating. There are so many changes that come with childbirth—and dealing with apathy, depression, brain fog, and endless dirty dishes on top of it all can feel crushing. There are tangible ways to resolve postpartum fatigue, though. And no, they aren’t the kind that add even more to your to-do list. Here are some tools I use with my nutrition clients to help them regain energy (physically, mentally, and emotionally) and their sense of self:
The Benefits Of Drinking Salt Water + Ancient Salt Recommendations
One of the habits I love for easy nourishment is drinking salt water.
I know, this is a bit of a touchy subject. But I’m not talking about table salt.
I’m talking about pure, naturally mineralized, and unrefined ancient salt that contains natural electrolytes.
Let’s explore the benefits of drinking salt water and how this low-commitment habit can help you move the needle in your health journey.
My Most Asked Question: Will an Ancestral Diet Help Me Lose Weight?
When I transition women over to an ancestral diet to boost hormone health, I often get this question:
Will ancestral eating help me lose weight?
The answer is not a simple yes or no, which can feel frustrating—especially if excess weight interferes with your quality of life.
Postpartum Healing + Postpartum Foods: How to Optimize Your Recovery
Whether you’re seasoned in birth recovery or a first-time mama, postpartum can feel overwhelming. Not only do you have to manage your own fears and needs but you also have to manage everyone else’s, too. As you prepare for a nourishing postpartum, maybe you’re trying to weigh all the mixed messages you’ve heard about postpartum healing. And you’re worried about how the wrong information could impact your baby’s health.
How to Soak Beans and Grains + Benefits of This Ancestral Practice
Today, the idea of soaking grains, rice, and legumes feels like a foreign concept to most people.
And spending extra time in the kitchen isn’t exactly appealing…
But don’t let that deter you from this powerful ancestral practice. After all, soaking grains is easy to get the hang of—and it comes with a lot of health benefits.
Folic Acid vs. Folate in Prenatal Vitamins: Everything You Should Know About Methylation
You thought you were holistically minded before pregnancy. But now that you have a baby on the way, you’ve never checked ingredients or stuck to an ancestral diet so thoroughly. It’s normal for moms to protect their babies from the dangers of the world—including synthetic ingredients and environmental toxins.
How to Stop Using Birth Control (And Why You Should)
The birth control pill is a pharmaceutical that’s offered to women for everything from endometriosis to period pain and hormone imbalances. It’s a fix-it-all remedy in the medical community—and it’s basically impossible to visit an OBGYN without getting a recommendation to start birth control.
Build Your Ancestral Diet: How to Make Your Kitchen Ancestral Eating Friendly
The ancestral diet follows principles of eating that were perfected by “primitive” cultures. Ancestral eating focuses on low-waste recipes that rely on nature—rather than industrial processing—for health and nutrition. Essential minerals, vitamins, and nutrients are all gleaned from natural sources (hunting, gathering, and planting).
Following the Weston A. Price Diet: Meal Planning Ideas for Families
The Weston A. Price diet was established by a dentist, Dr. Weston A. Price. In the 1930s, he traveled the world, studying indigenous and untouched people groups to understand what contributed to optimal dental health.
The biggest factor he found? Nutrient density.
How to Eat Beef Liver: Quality, Cooking, and Supplementation
So exactly how did our ancestors eat? Many primal societies ate “nose-to-tail.” This means they used every part of a butchered animal—from its organs to its bones and eyes. Parts of the animal that were difficult to consume were often added to broth and soup, while other parts were used to make tools and jewelry.