Non-Toxic Living with Sandy of Uncommonly Good Health

Consider that 100 years ago, none of the following existed:


Personal computers


Night time electrical lights in most places

Cars for most people

Mass production of food and gmo mono crops

NPK fertilizer

Airplane travel for most people

Processed food on a large scale

Use of growth hormone in meat production

Everything made in China

Everything in plastic

Wireless everything

Pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines in large numbers

Public water that has been treated

And on and on…..

Fast forward to 2022 and we can see how the onslaught of toxins that continually batter our bodies create massive challenges to our health.  It can be overwhelming to try to stem the tide and claim our birthright which is our health.  We like to say that to regain or maintain our health we need to put in the things that support our bodies and take away the things that don’t as best we can.

So what can we do to mitigate our toxic world?  That can be overwhelming so let’s break it down and prioritize it to make it more manageable.  Let’s look at the top 3 things that have a huge impact on our wellbeing.

#1 - Air Quality:

This can be more important if you are living in a city, near factories, a busy street or a house that has mold.  Two products can offer air purification at reasonable prices:  Air Doctor and Hypo Air. It’s important to turn off your air purifiers at night as they can emit EMFs (if placed in the room that you and/or your little ones sleep in).

#2 - Water 

It can be helpful to have your water tested to take a closer look at what might be in your water. Resources like Consumer Reports give options on how to get your water tested. We have used a Berkey Water Filter for years and still think it is much better than drinking tap water as it removes over 200 contaminants. We recently purchased an AquaTru water filter because it removes total dissolved solids which are inorganic compounds such as calcium that gets deposited in our tissues and slows the function of our mitochondria. 

#3 - Food

Organic, non-gmo, local, in season, sustainable, regenerative.  These are the things to look for.  Shop your farmer’s markets and start hunting down local farmers and ranchers.  The and are two websites to help connect with those people.  You can also shop at places like Azure Standard to buy organic items more economically. We strongly recommend that clients try to find a CSA to join to try new food and eat seasonally!

Oh, and there is one more thing:  EMF’s.

This is EVERYWHERE and is our personal pet peeve.  We are being bombarded with them 24/7, no matter where you go except when you are out in nature far away from civilization.  We like to “stack” different products that each work differently to lessen the effects.

The first thing is a Somavedic.  They are pricey but they work by harmonizing your environment with the use of crystals.  Sounds woo-woo but there is scientific evidence that harmful frequencies are greatly diminished when this is activated.

Secondly, we use Defender Shield products.  We have their cell phone case, headphones, and blanket to create a buffer from cell phone radiation.

Thirdly, we have Blushield devices.  These emit block non-native EMF’s with resonant frequencies.  We have a small travel unit and a larger one for our home.

Sourcing Non-Toxic Baby Gear:

We received several questions about non-toxic options for our little ones and you can read more about some of our favorite recommendations on my Non-Toxic Baby Registry Guide. For starters, we like to recommend avoiding plastics, VOC’s (volatile organic compounds) and flame retardants. Try to look for organic, natural fibers and solid wood products. This goes for furniture, toys, etc. 

Sourcing Non-Toxic Skincare/Bodycare:

We also received some questions about skincare and what to focus on when swapping bodycare and skincare for non-toxic alternatives. Just like any packaged food, it’s important to start checking the labels of your skin care products. Scan labels and look out for red flags like these 12 toxic ingredients to avoid, including phthalates, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, and propylene glycol. If you see any of these ingredients are listed, find a cleaner alternative. Some of our favorite skincare and body care products include; Toups & Co, Under Luna, Laurel, etc.

Now let’s look at how homeopathy can support the effort to have a cleaner lifestyle:

When there are wildfires and/or smoke in the vicinity:

Arsenicum Album for smoke exposure with anxiety

Euphrasia for exposure with irritation to eyes and nose

Kali bich when there is more serious exposure with irritated lungs

For EMF and radiation exposure:

Anti tox EMF by Liddell Laboratories


DesBio EMF and Protect

Detoxing from vaccines:


Arsenicum Album

There are so many ways to support the body with homeopathy when it is exposed to toxic elements, so the previous is just a sample of how it can do just that!


Protocol for Healing from C & Other Illnesses


What Items to Source for a Non-Toxic Baby Registry (Plus What Postpartum Essentials to Add to List for Mama)