Motherhood Katherine Braswell Motherhood Katherine Braswell

Six Postpartum Essentials to Truly Heal

As a holistic nutrition consultant, I’ve worked with several prenatal and postpartum mamas throughout their pregnancy and postpartum journeys. In working with these mamas, I consistently recommend these six postpartum essentials to assist in their journey to true healing!

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NUTRITION Katherine Braswell NUTRITION Katherine Braswell

How to Make Mineral Tea

Herbs can offer so much healing support and true nourishment. It’s important to try to optimize your vitamin and mineral intake to replenish those lost nutrient stores from birth. This herbal tea is one of my favorite blends to recommend to new moms and those trying to work on hormonal imbalance, mineral support, etc. These three herbs Red Raspberry Leaf, Nettle Leaf and Oatstraw are a few of my favorites and here’s why:

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NUTRITION Katherine Braswell NUTRITION Katherine Braswell

My Favorite Oxtail Stew

Ever since I was little, I’ve always loved oxtails. My grandmother was Indonesian so she frequently made us delicious oxtail stews, soup and broth. As a nutritionist, I’m always wanting to find ways for clients to get in this nutrient-dense food. It’s especially important in preconception, pregnancy and postpartum.

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